The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Holds Entrance Exam for the 2022-2023 Academic Year

On Saturday, May 28th, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) carried out the application of its Entrance Exam for the 2022-2023 academic year. For this day, the young people arrived in accordance with the logistics established by the UPSLP to comply with the sanitary measures, which had the purpose of taking care of the health of the supporters and collaborators. For the above, health checks were implemented in which temperature was taken, antibacterial gel was applied and the letter of commitment of co-responsibility was delivered, through which, the applicants attested to their good state of health in addition to agreeing to the use of face masks during their stay on campus.

It should be noted that each classroom had natural ventilation and was properly disinfected before the application of the exam in accordance with health prevention protocols. The corresponding guidelines were established so that the staff and participants in the classrooms did not share tools or work equipment, avoided circulating in the corridors as well as not gathering in groups.

The prospective students were enthusiastic and committed to continuing their studies in one of the degree programs offered by the UPSLP, which are: Telematics Engineering-Networks and Telecommunications (ITEM-IRTEL), Information Technology Engineering (ITI), Manufacturing Technology Engineering (ITMA), Industrial Systems and Technologies Engineering (ISTI), Bachelor of International Marketing (LMI) and Bachelor of Administration and Management (LAG).

The results will be announced on Sunday, June 12th, on the UPSLP Institutional Website:, via the Banner “Consult the Results of the Admission Process). Likewise, in this publication the instructions for the registration process and the start date of the 2022-2023 academic year will be announced.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí recognizes the responsible behavior of applicants in complying with sanitary measures and wishes them the greatest success!


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