The UPSLP Signs an Agreement of Collaboration with the Secretary of Education of the State Government and the Potosino Center for Educational Technology

On Monday, June 20th, the State Secretary of Education (SEGE), the Potosino Center for Educational Technology (CPTE) and the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) finalized the signing of an agreement of collaboration, which has as its main objective the training, advice and certification in educational technology of basic and upper secondary teachers and workers of support and assistance to education. The collaboration will be done through specialized courses in the areas of technology and networks, Internet of Things, fundamentals of cybersecurity, and basic connection of devices through the WEBEX platform.

WEBEX is a self-study learning platform in which participants organize and keep track of their progress with respect to the acquisition and development of their knowledge and skills, according to the strict international standards of the Cisco Networking Academy program. This platform provides interactive didactic resources that allow for the development of new knowledge as well as digital skills. At the end of the courses, participants will be entitled to a diploma from CISCO and the UPSLP in addition to a certificate from the CPTE. The block of four free courses is designed to have a maximum duration of five weeks, in the months of June and July, including a cybersecurity conference. The courses can be taken independently by attending 2 virtual hours, one at the beginning and one at the end of each course, with 2 advisory sessions each and whose virtual headquarters is the Cisco Academy of the UPSLP.

The following were present at the signing of the Agreement: José Inés Liñán Castro, General Coordinator of Basic Education of the SEGE, on behalf of Juan Carlos Torres Cedillo, Secretary of Education of the Government of the State of San Luis Potosí; José Carlos Escobar Martínez, Coordinator of the CPTE; Profr. Armando Soto Samarrón, President Arbitrator of the Mixed State Commission of Scale and Yesenia Lara Olivas, Programs and Projects of the Potosino Center of Educational Technology. On behalf of the UPSLP, Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector of the UPSLP; Dr. Francisco Rafael Rostro Contreras, Academic Vice-Rector; Dr. Francisco Cruz Ordaz Salazar, Coordinator of the Educational Program of Engineering in Information Technologies (ITI) and Engineering in Telematics-Networks and Telecommunications (ITEM-IRTEL); Liliana Gámez Zavala, Head of the Cisco Academy and professor of the Information Technologies Department.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí reiterates its commitment to the Potosi educational community to enhance learning in children and young people!


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