The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí Held the Graduation Ceremony of the 18th Graduating Class 2018-2022

In an emotional and celebratory atmosphere, the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) held the Graduation Ceremony of its 18th graduating class, in which 790 graduates from the departments of Telematics Engineering – Networks and Telecommunications – (ITEM), Information Technology Engineering (ITI), Engineering in Manufacturing Technologies (ITMA), Engineering in Industrial Systems and Technologies (ISTI), Business Studies (LAG) and Bachelor of International Marketing (LMI).

The ceremony took place on Thursday, December 15th at the Auditorium Gymnasium on campus and was chaired by Mr. Francisco Lomelí Isaza, Head of the Educational Liaison Office in the State of San Luis Potosí; Juan Antonio Alvarado Martínez, Director of Upper and Higher Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education of the Government of the State of San Luis Potosí, representing Mr. Juan Carlos Torres Cedillo, Secretary of Education of the Government of the State of San Luis Potosí; on behalf of the UPSLP, Mr. Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas, Rector; Dr. Francisco Rafael Rostro Contreras, Academic Vice-Rector; Mr. Igor León O ́Farrill, Director of Administration and Finance; as well as the department heads of the six degree programs.

Francisco Javier Delgado Rojas addressed a message to the new professionals, highlighting that this class has overcome numerous challenges, managing to conclude their higher education successfully, in addition to standing out for being the first class to participate in the internationalization program promoted by the university through online collaborative learning (COIL). He urged them to undertake projects with an eye on the world, to improve their environment, and to continue to grow as professionals and people, putting into practice the values learned in their Alma Mater.

Mr. Andreas Müller, Deputy Director General of the Mexican German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAMEXA), also participated via video-message. He explained that, since 2019, the UPSLP has collaborated with this Chamber through the ProLead Program, which has provided the opportunity for engagement with German capital companies from different industries, mainly the automotive industry. He expressed his appreciation to the graduates for not giving up in the face of adversity and continuing with their professional development, highlighting that the university provides them with tools to face the challenges that the professional environment presents them.

For his part, Mr. Juan Antonio Alvarado Martínez congratulated the graduates for the effort made to conclude their studies, emphasizing that, with their preparation and knowledge, they must constantly make decisions to face the changes that arise today. He also recognized the work, dedication and commitment of managers, professors and collaborators of the UPSLP in the professional training of young people in the welfare of Potosi society.

It is worth mentioning that awards were given to graduates with the best averages from each degree program. Mayela Moreno Torres, from the Department of Business Studies, was recognized for having obtained the best average of the 2018-2022 Generation.

The community of the Polytechnic University congratulates the new graduates and wishes them success in each of the personal and professional projects they carry out!


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