UPSLP Students Receive the Jürgen Dorman Foundation Scholarship from ABB

The ABB company, through the Jürgen Dormann Foundation, awarded four scholarships to students studying Engineering at the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP). The event took place on Thursday, June 15th, in the presence of the Rector, Dr. Mario Alberto Martínez Rojas, and ABB representatives: Pablo Guerrero, Early Talent, University Relations and Employer Branding Specialist, and Emmanuel Palomares, Talent Partner Lead Mexico. On behalf of the UPSLP, Dr. Martha Angélica de la Rosa Hernández, Head of the Office of the Academic Vice-Rectory; and Alejandra Carpinteyro Zarazúa, responsible for the area of Teaching Support and Scholarships.

Previously, the Jürgen Dormann Foundation awarded three scholarships. However, due to the excellent performance of the students, this year it was decided to support four young people. The scholarship recipients are: Bryan Jareth Gámez Contreras, Emmanuel Chávez Zamarripa and Celia Anahí Quiroz Jaramillo, from the Department of Engineering in Systems and Industrial Technologies; and Luis Ernesto Bermúdez Vázquez from the Department of Manufacturing Technology.

The beneficiaries will have financial support to continue their studies, assignment of a mentor by ABB, online English language proficiency course, internships in the company, as well as the possibility of being hired at the end of their professional studies, according to their performance, and to travel to Switzerland to an international meeting of scholarship holders.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí is the only higher education institution in the country that was selected by ABB to grant this support to its student community. To participate in this program, it is required to be a student of an Engineering program, have an average equal to or greater than 8.5 average, and comply with the selection process, which consists of a socioeconomic study and an interview by the Jürgen Dorman Foundation, which decides who will be the beneficiaries of the scholarship.

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí congratulates the students on their excellent academic performance that has led them to obtain this scholarship. Likewise, the university appreciates the valuable support of the Jürgen Dormman Foundation, which contributes to the personal and professional development of the young people of our university.


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