The Activities of the 25th Annual Summer of Science of the Central Region Conclude at the Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí

The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí (UPSLP) in conjunction with the Science Department carried out the closing of the 25th Annual Summer of Science of the Central Region, in which the participants completed a research experience from June 12th to July 14th, with in-person, virtual or hybrid activities, according to the nature of the project.

The event was held on Friday, July 14th, in the presence of Dr. Martha Angélica De la Rosa Hernández, Academic Vice-Rector; Dr. Fernando Rodrigo Palavicini Piña, Director of Administration and Finance; Dr. Carlos Adrián Arriaga Santos, Head of the Science Department; Dr. Martín Hernández Sustaita, Coordinator of the Summer of Science at UPSLP and research professor from the Science Department; department heads from the different departments, as well as adjunct and research professors, and participating students.

Dr. Martha Angelica De la Rosa congratulated the students for their interest in scientific research, as well as their decision to work on a research project during the Summer of Science. He urged them to study a postgraduate degree to increase their academic training. Likewise, students Débora Ruth Espino Sifuentes and Daniel Alejandro Pardo Pérez, from the Department of International Marketing, and Ángel Silvestre Montalvo Rodríguez from the Department of Information Technology Engineering, briefly shared about their research work and experiences.

As part of the activities of the Summer of Science, three workshops were given in order to support the participants in their projects: “Introduction to the Use of Databases to Support Scientific Work” by Fátima Zamil Villegas Chevaile, staff at the Information and Documentation Center of the UPSLP (CID); “Research Methodology” taught by Dr. Martín Hernández Sustaita; and “Basic elements to develop a Scientific Poster” by Carlos Rodríguez García of the Integral Center of Marketing and Audiovisual Media (CIMMA). Likewise, the videoconference “Experiences on JICA training in Japan” was given by Dr. Mónica Marcela Zaldívar Muñoz, professor from the Department of Engineering in Systems and Industrial Technologies.

In addition to the UPSLP, the institutions participating in the 25th edition of the Summer of Science were: Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de la Región Carbonífera (ITESRC), Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (IPICYT) and Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Monclova -TECNM Campus Monclova.

UPSLP students from the Departments of Information Technology Engineering (ITI), Manufacturing Technology Engineering (ITMA), International Marketing (LMI) and Business Studies (LAG) participated.


The projects developed were:

“Formulation of a Self-diagnosis for the Management of Family and MSMEs”, by Daniel Alejandro Pardo Pérez and Débora Ruth Espino Sifuentes, from the Department of International Marketing, advised by Dr. Luisa Renée Dueñas Salmán.

“Development of a Questionnaire to Determine the Optimal Sources of Financing for MSMEs”, by Heidi Adriana Blanco López from the Department of International Marketing, advised by Martín Antonio Arriaga Guerrero.

“Universities and Automotive clusters in Mexico”, by Dmitry Kuzin from the Department of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology, advised by Guadalupe del Socorro Palmer de los Santos

“Augmented Reality for I4.0 in Manufacturing Processes”, by Víctor Alejandro Alemán Mendiola from the Department of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology, advised by Dr. Margarito Martínez Cruz.

“Model of Entrepreneurial Intention: An Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Students”, developed by Arturo Avitu Sánchez from the Department of Business Studies, advised by Dr. Gloria Cristina Palos Cerda.

“Training System with AR”, developed by Ángel Silvestre Montalvo Rodríguez from the Department of Information Technology, advised by Víctor Manuel Fernández Mireles.

“System of Stenography in Images”, by Orlando Ulises Aguilar Rojas from the Department of Information Technology, advised by Dr. Jesús Agustín Aboytes González.

“Analysis of Techniques and Methodologies of Quality Applied to Administrative Systems”, by Óscar Camacho Estrada from the Department of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology, advised by Dr. Edith Meléndez López of the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC)

“Mobile Agents: Start-up and Basic tasks”, by Anahí Arévalo Ramírez, from the Department of Engineering in Manufacturing Technology, who carried out her research experience at the Potosino Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (IPICYT), in the project led by Dr. Juan Gonzalo Barajas Ramírez.

“Work-life Balance”, by Aylín Dayanna Vargas García and Héctor Daniel Castillo Ramos, from the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de la Región Carbonífera (ITESRC) who developed the project under the supervision of Dr. Martín Hernández Sustaita.


The Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí congratulates the participants for their work, enthusiasm and effort in developing their research projects!


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