Important:* It is the responsibility of the applicant to comply with all the steps of the admissions process, adhering to the established indications and dates.* It is the responsibility of the applicant to consult, frequently, the various communication channels of the University to stay informed about the admissions process.* For the procedure to be valid, it must be carried out directly by the applicant.* No applications or payments will be received outside the established period.* Once the payment is made, there are no refunds. |
Enter and answer the request for new students, using uppercase, lowercase and accents. Otherwise, it will not be valid.
Important: Choose the major that is of interest to you and answer all fields correctly. Once submitted, no changes can be made.
Download the bank reference to make the payment corresponding to the exam, in the available banks. This payment can be made at an ATM or through the applications of the available banks. Verify that the bank reference number and amount are entered correctly. Save the original proof of payment for any clarification.
Important: The reference is personal and non-transferable, and the responsibility for its handling is exclusive to the holder.
Note: Once payment is made, there will be no refunds. It is the responsibility of the applicant to comply with the steps of the 2023 admission process, respecting the established rules and dates.
Once the payment is made, wait two business days and show up, Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 hrs., at the School Services Department (except on the following days: December 22nd, 2022 through January 4th, 2023, February 6th, 2023, March 10th and 20th, 2023, April 3rd-7th, 2023, and May 1st, 2023) with the following documentation:
- Original proof of current studies or copy of the Baccalaureate Certificate if completed.
- Two recent passport-sized color photographs..
- Copy of birth certificate
- Copy of CURP
- Original proof of payment of exams for $ 1,340.00 (One thousand three hundred and forty pesos 00/100 M.N.)
Mexican applicants who completed their high school studies abroad:
- Copy of the certificate validated by the Secretary of Education of the State Government.
Foreign applicants who completed their high school studies abroad:
- Copy of the certificate validated by the Secretary of Education of the State Government.
- Copy of proof of legal stay in the country.
Applicants who graduated from the Technological University of San Luis Potosí:
- Copy of the proof of completion of studies or copy of the intern letter.
- The procedure must be carried out by the applicant..
- On the day the form is processed at the School Services Department, you will be provided with the following information:
– Date of institutional evaluations.
– Applicant file.
– Informative leaflet for registration in CENEVAL, EXANI-II.
- Register in the CENEVAL from the date indicated in the School Services information.
- Print the entrance pass that must be presented in the institutional evaluations, as well as on May 27th, since without it, you will not have access to the exam.
Period of the admission process: from December 2nd, 2022 to May 5th, 2023.
Entrance Exam: May 27th, 2023
Tuition fee valid from June to December 2022: $ 4,900.00 (Four thousand nine hundred pesos 00/100 M.N.)
Professional excellence, choose Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí.
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Contact Information:
Telephone: (444) 870 – 21– 00 Ext. 263 y 265
Urbano Villalón #500 Col. La Ladrillera
Communication and Marketing